[10] Doran, Y, Martin, J. R., & Zappavigna, M. (in press). Negotiating Social Relations: Tenor Resources in English. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
[9] Zappavigna, M. & Ross, A. (2025). Innovations and Challenges in Social Media Discourse Analysis. London: Routledge.
[8] Zappavigna, M. & Logi, L. (2024). Emoji and Social Media Paralanguages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[7] Page, R., Unger, J., Zappavigna, M., & Lee, C. (2022). Researching Language and Social Media. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge.
[6] Ngo, T., Hood, S., Martin, J. R., Painter, C., Smith, B., & Zappavigna, M. (2021). Modelling Paralanguage Using Systemic Functional Semiotics: Theory and Application. London: Bloomsbury.
[5] Zappavigna, M. (2018). Searchable Talk: Hashtags and Social Media Metadiscourse. London: Bloomsbury.
[4] Zappavigna, M., & Martin, J.R. (2018). Discourse and Diversionary Justice: An Analysis of Ceremonial Redress in Youth Justice Conferencing. London: Palgrave.
[3] Page, R., Unger, J. , Barton, D. & Zappavigna, M. (2014). Researching Language and Social Media. London: Routledge.
[2] Zappavigna, M. (2013). Tacit Knowledge and Spoken Discourse. London: Bloomsbury.
[1] Zappavigna, M. (2012). Discourse of Twitter and Social Media. London, Bloomsbury.
Edited Books
[1] Zappavigna, M. & Dreyfus, S. (Eds). (2020). Discourses of Hope and Reconciliation: On J. R. Martin’s Contribution to Systemic Functional Linguistics. London: Bloomsbury.